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Do not lick this book!

Are you struggling to convince your toddler that just because you can't see germs, it doesn't mean that they don't exist? *puts own hand up

Well, struggle no more! " Do not lick this book", a kids picture book written by Idan Ben-Barak about hygiene and germs aims to teach kids all about microbes, in an engaging and entertaining way.

"Min is a microbe. She is small. Very small. In fact so small that you'd need to look through a microscope to see her. Or you can simply open this book and take Min on an adventure to amazing places she's never seen before - like the icy glaciers of your tooth or the twisted, tangled jungle that is your shirt.

The perfect book for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the world."-Allen & Unwin- 2020.

What book have you read to your child that helped them understand germs? Let us know in the comment box!

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